
Why does the root cause of most of diseases lies in the Digestive system?

Talking about health, immunity and diseases, all narrows down our state of digestion! Yes, it is true that the root causes of most of the diseases lies in your digestive health!

What is digestive health?

Whatever we eat gets transformed into our body, this process is digestion and the channels involved in this process are our digestive system. This process is not only taking place in your stomach and intestines but is much more complex! It is not only about eating and going to toilet but much more. The health of this system is the digestive health.

Don't be surprised to know that, most of the diseases like gastrointestinal disorders, allergic and auto-immune diseases, and various metabolic disorders are caused by the hypo functioning of Agni and the formation of ama. According to Ayurveda the Agni is responsible for good digestion process!

What is Agni?

In Sanskrit “Agni” means fire. The agni in human body is responsible for all transformation and metabolism. Hence, agni is the digestive and metabolic fire of the body. Agni is a form of energy and it is a functional unit, not a structural one. Agni is divided into three categories: Jatharagni, Bhutagni and Dhatvagni. Jathar agni is known to function from gastrointestinal tract and makes the digestion of food taken followed by absorption of sara bhag (nutrients) through intestine and elimination of kitta (urine, stool) in the process. Unless the sara part produced by jatharagni is good quality, it will not help further process of body building. Hence Jatharagni is important for better health of body. Life, strength, health, enthusiasm, complexion, radiance, immunity, body temperature, and vitality all depend on the normal state of Agni!

So now it is clear that all the diseases are the result of imbalanced or malfunction state of Agni. Improper functioning of Agni leads to various gastrointestinal disorders as well as various metabolic disturbances. Therefore, main principle of treatment of all diseases as per Ayurveda is to restore and to strengthen the Agni.

Symptoms of vitiation(malfunction) of Agni.

  • heaviness of the abdomen or of the whole body, nausea, swelling of the cheeks and eyes, burping and similar to those occurring soon after meals.
  • giddiness, thirst, fainting, sour and hot burping, excessive perspiration and burning sensation inside the body
  • pain in the abdomen, bloating, and constipation due to non-movement of flatus, unclear thinking, general malaise and fatigue
  • chronic – if the malfunction of agni is chronic then it leads to IBS, arthritis, migraines, diverticulitis, anaemia, diabetes and many more diseases (which we call the lifestyle disorders)

How to restore a good functioning of agni?

Every person is unique and so you may have to find your unique nutrition plan and that is what a ayurveda doctor will help you with. Also, if you are suffering with some chronic diseases you may be surprised that the cause lies in your digestive functioning.

For a good functioning agni following habits are important

  • Food must be taken in proper quantity.
  • Do not eat between the meals, eat at regular times
  • Do not eat in a hurry or do not eat too slowly.
  • Eat good quality food, fresh and wholesome.
  • Adapt to your unique diet plan.
  • Respect the food that nourishes you, eat with gratitude.

Food medicines -

  • Spices such as coriander, cumin, black pepper, ajwain etc
  • Avoid drinking excessive water during hunger because it can weaken the digestive fire.
  • Last but not the least, calm mind and happy attitude, as there is a direct relation of emotions to the gut.

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