Know your ayurveda doctor
Dr (Ayu) Neela Sheth, MD Ayurveda (India)
Federal Diploma Ayurvedic Medicine (CH)
We at Ayurvedkalp help individuals to dramatically improve the quality of life by solving health problems arising from imbalanced lifestyle like stress, allergies, diabetes, constipation and chronic diseases like migraines, arthritis, irritable bowel syndrome. For healthy individuals Ayurvedkalp helps to be happy with proactive lifestyle rejuvenation programs. Healthy & happy individuals make happy society!
Read MoreGood digestion and nutrition is of highest importance for good health and vitality. An imbalanced digestive system is the root of many diseases. At Ayurvedkalp, I work with my patients on individualized diet plan, lifestyle improvement plan and supplement them with specialized ayurveda herbs and therapies.
Read MoreIs stress disturbing your everyday joyful life? Do you know you could be carrying unknown stress? Traditional ayurveda therapies, when combined with lifestyle improvements and yoga, not only improves health but also the well being and the state of mind. Rejuvenate yourself with ayurveda!
Read MoreAs per ayurveda every individual is unique, hence the diagnosis and treatment for every patient is also unique. With the holistic approach based on physical, emotional and spiritual aspects a unique treatment is designed for each person.
Read MoreAyurveda herbs and spices are an important component of holistic ayurveda approach, along with diet, exercise and lifestyle changes. These are naturally available herbs with power to boost immune system, detoxify body organs and to reduce blood sugar, just to name a few.
Read MorePanchkarma therapies are offered to clean the body of toxic materials left by chronic diseases, lifestyle problems, incompatible nutrition and environmental toxins. Panchkarma strengthens the immune system and restores balance and well being.
Read MoreDr (Ayu) Neela Sheth, MD Ayurveda (India)
Federal Diploma Ayurvedic Medicine (CH)
Ayurveda is a holistic (mind-body) approach to life!
After seeing Dr. Neela Sheth, in just 3 months my period was back and in a perfect way and a month later I even got pregnant.
For about 30 years I suffered of frequent migraine attacks. Following Dr. Neela’s advices my migraine attacks became less and less frequent and practically disappeared.
For 6 years I took polyarthritis drugs that did little pain relief. With natural ayurvedic treatments, I got better results than ever.
I found myself, at the age of 22 with almost no energy, constantly panicked and anxious, and so used to pain either in my head, my stomach, or somewhere else entirely, that I had forgotten what it was to simply be happy and free.