
A healthy skin is the key to beauty and radiance

In today’s world we are all conscious of our beautiful face and skin, but do we understand that they are directly related to our health in general? Yes of course, for a beautiful face and body, what matters is a healthy skin!

What is skin care:

Our skin is the largest organ of our body. It has many important anatomical and physiological functions. Skin helps us understand touch, protects us from outer environment and shock and also functions like a thermostat, regulates your body temperature. The anatomical and physiological abnormalities of the skin lead to various diseases which manifest on the skin, like the acne, eczema, dry skin, psoriasis,hyper pigmentation, skin allergy and so on.

According to Ayurveda though skin disorders manifest externally but the causes are internal as well. Our body is one unit together so the dosha imbalances and dhatu affected by our internal health are also manifested in the skin. Meaning skin shows the signs of bad health, diseases and disorders!

More and more people are getting just beauty conscious but not at all health conscious.

Why do we have to care for skin and what causes skin problems:

  • Poor nutrition
  • Improper changes in life styles
  • Underlying diseases
  • Poor quality of ras and raktadhatu (blood tissue)
  • Ageing and hormonal problems
  • Excessive use of beautification products

How to care for the skin in natural way:

In Ayurveda, a lot is taught about the skin and beauty care. It is a natural way of gaining and protecting our beauty.

Ayurvedic beauty therapies include

  • Facial care with mukhanbyanga, lepan, udvartan, swedana
  • Abhyanga- for whole body care
  • Hair care with ayurvedic oils and mask treatments
  • Phyto therapy- Neem, sariva, manjista, turmeric, lodhra, kustha , sandal , safron
  • other ayurvedic formulations: mahatikataka ghrita, panchnib chrna, maha manjisthadi kwatha, kumkumadi tailam etc

Life style and nutrition balance:

  • It is important to know your dosha balance and imbalances. Your ayurvedic doctor can tell you what your body needs to heal the skin from inside out.
  • Some general tips are nourishing the skin with natural oils like coconut oil, sesame oil, neem oil to the skin to makes skin soft and shiny.
  • Massaging regularly with ayurvedic oils improves circulation and tones the skin. Detoxifying the skin with udvartana.
  • Protect the skin from strong sun, wind and heat and harsh weather
  • Your nutrition and digestion play important role in maintaining a glowing healthy skin. Know your personal diet plan with the ayurvedic doctor.

Treatment of underlying diseases and causes of skin elements with ayurvedic medicine:

Skin problems need to be diagnosed well and the root cause of the disease must be treated with different medicines. Also, if menopause, PCOD, stress and anxiety, indigestion and ama are reason behind the skin problems they need to be manged well. An ayurvedic doctor will help you with the step wise treatment. These treatments include natural ayurvedic medicines, advices on nutrition, various panchkarma and counselling.

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