The microbiome—the vast collection of microorganisms residing in the human gut—has become a focal point in modern health sciences
In the area of gastrointestinal disorders, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) casts a shadow of discomfort and uncertainty.
As life orchestrates its symphony, women gracefully navigate through an intricate composition of phases and transitions.
In the fast-paced and demanding world we live in, finding effective and sustainable ways to enhance our well-being is essential.
Our body is a self-healing organism. It is processing many inputs and is adapting to its best by eliminating harmful substances.
Today, the abundance of information on food can be confusing.
In today’s world we are all conscious of our beautiful face and skin.
Talking about health, immunity and diseases, all narrows down our state of digestion! Yes, it is true that the root causes of most of the diseases lies in your digestive health!
We know this well that our life is mind-body-spirit unit. Also, every one of them has a direct connection to each other. What the mind thinks the body feels, what the body does the mind perceives and so on....
All of us, we have a choice as to how we would want to live! We make various choices as to which job, place, studies, field of work and so on as per our priorities....
Ayurveda guides the humanity towards longevity of life and a life full of health. In order to be able to fulfil our goals, our duties, our wishes in life (dharma, artha, kama and moksha) we need a long life and healthy body and mind.
Diabetes mellitus, commonly known as diabetes, is a group of metabolic disorders characterized by a high blood sugar level over a prolonged period of time. With the modern diagnostic methods, sugar levels and tendency towards diabetes are often seen during lab tests even before symptoms appear.
The changes in photoperiod (day light), temperature and other seasonal changes has a lot of impact on our immune systems. And thus, can have a profound effect on the causative factors and development of diseases in human body.
Every morning we wake up to a biological clock, sun rises and light is seen, this roles in motion our day. Have you ever thought about the power of the sun, which is governing our health and day-to-day life?
Sleep is one of the three basic pillars of life. The quality of an individual’s life, health and functioning of the body depends on how restful one’s sleep is! It is as important for our body as food and nourishment is.