About Ayurvedkalp

Healing, Happiness & Beyond,Healthy & happy individuals make happy society! Ayurvedkalp’s endeavours to create happy and healthy society by holistic and traditional approach of science of life i.e. ayurveda

Ayurveda is beyond geographical boundaries and if applied with proper understanding of individual’s lifestyle, culture and environment can produce extremely positive results.

Ayurvedkalp is a traditional ayurveda clinic with aim to dramatically improve the quality of life by solving individual’s health problems with holistic mind, body and spiritual approach. Ayurvedkalp helps resolve health problems arising from imbalanced lifestyle like stress, allergies, diabetes, constipation and chronic diseases like migraines, arthritis, irritable bowl syndrome.

For healthy individuals Ayurvedkalp helps to be happy with proactive lifestyle rejuvenation programs.

Every individual is unique. Our holistic healing approach is based on combination of various ayurveda approaches for each individual :

  • Specialized cures for digestion, health & nutrition
  • Proactive stress and lifestyle management
  • Individualised cure and holistic approach
  • Medicinal plants to heal diseases
  • Authentic panchkarma therapies for detoxification and rejuvenation

Many individuals wants to learn more about ayurveda or understand importance of eating habits, or learn yoga to make an impact of healthy lifestyle for extended friends and family. To address these requests, Dr(Ayu) Neela Sheth conducts various workshops and courses that enables individuals to permanently incorporate healthy practice in their families.

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