Sesame seeds – a perfect food medicine for winter!

Our food is our first medicine, so if you search open your kitchen pharmacy you will find your own sesame seeds.Yes they are perfect for us in winter!

Ayurvedic Medicinal properties of Sesame:

A diet rich in sesame nourishes your hair and skin, protects tissues from dryness due to the seeds high oil content.

Sesame helps to maintain body heat, reinforces blood tissue, and strengthen your bones, muscles.

It can be used in dry skin conditions. The oil has excellent wound healing properties. The hair growth increases when scalp is

massaged regularly with this oil. It prevents hair loss, formation of dandruff, splitting of hair etc.

Chewing these seeds help to reduce tooth ache. It is used for oil pulling.

How to use Sesame seeds in Food?

You may use the seeds for seasoning for salad, Sesame candy and bars, sesame seed paste to make sauce, tahini, add to bread or just chew the seeds after meals.

Sesame oil for massage in winter:

Sesame oil is important part of the nurturing Ayurvedic massage therapy. Self-massage with sesame oil is highly recommended in winter.

It nourishes the entire body and decreases the effects of aging, benefits hair and skin and muscle tone. Calms the nerves and Helps to sleep better.


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